Saturday, June 26, 2010

Yo sisters

So I work as a nanny for this really sweet lady. But yesterday she was telling me about these things she makes they are like pillows that attach to a bed sheet but they are on the side of the bed so they are like those gates people put on the kids bed so they don't roll out of bed. Anyways they are really cool. She has them on her kids beds. She invented them and is putting a patent on them soon. so SHH. Anyways I'm going to start helping her sew them and she offered to make you guys some if you wanted if you buy the fabric and stuff so you can kinda help publicize her idea. If any of you want any let me know! :D


  1. Hey thats a cool idea... Wyatt is always falling out of bed! Maybe I'll have her do that while I'm down there... Thanks.

  2. that is a great. We are trying to get the twins out of their cribs. This might help. How much fabric does it take and maybe I will have you buy it and I will pay you back, but you will have to pick some super cute fabric. Let me know.. So glad you found a nice job

  3. a nanny huh!! Well I bet you are great at it!! My kids love you why wouldn't other kids!! I have to decide what color Ellie is going to have for her part of the room. But those sound fun!!

  4. I didn't know you got a job... when did you start working? Is it fun? I'll do one of those pillow things... but you can pick out the fabric and I'll pay you later....or have mom do it. Congrats on the job... Love ya!
